A handbag, as the name suggests, is a bag with a handle. Its production material is mainly polyethylene (PE) film. Due to its advantages of being lightweight, durable, and easy to carry, handbags have become one of the essential items in our daily lives.
In our daily life, handbags are widely used in supermarket shopping, logistics distribution, food packaging, gift packaging, medical supplies packaging and other fields. At the same time, its production has also greatly promoted the development and production improvement of the plastics industry. The use of handbags can also effectively solve the environmental problems caused by traditional packaging of shopping items, such as eliminating the consumption of earth resources and environmental damage caused by traditional paper packaging.
The emergence and widespread use of handbags not only greatly promotes the convenience of our lives, but also helps us effectively solve environmental problems and brings economic and social benefits. We should fully realize its importance and power, make full use of handbags, and let them bring convenience and benefits to our lives.